I’m a grown woman and not a doll, bear or other stuffed toy devotee. Not hard and cynical, but let’s say practical. I caught sight of this little guy when website surfing at TVSN in Australia, and just sort of drawn to buy him for MYSELF? Seriously speaks to the uniqueness of this design in a largely bear range- however, I did pick out a few “pigs might fly” characters also from Charlie Bears that made me laugh out loud.
Hugh is even better in person, with the softest hide, and his general swagger balanced with a sweet expression. When I opened the box and unpacked him in my office, I had everyone from our site maintenance guy to a visiting health coordinator catch sight of him and he was passed around for the weirdest and funniest conversations.
I love him, money well spent and he happily occupies the office as a conversation-starter. Also I do a bit of cuddling for stress relief.