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  • Lowra


    Lowra is a bear-utiful Plumo panda. She is made from long plush fur with alpaca detailing on her face and ears which highlights her stunning features. Lowra is limited in production to 3000 bears worldwide. Recommended for ages 3 years +. Panda height:...
  • Charlie Bears 2021 Secret Collection plush bear - Tina


    Meet Tina, a stunning plush panda from our 2021 Secret Collection. Beautifully crafted from long pile plush in shades of light pink, white and light brown. She proudly wears a knotted cord necklace that has a heart pendant, adding a touch of elegance to...
  • Julia


    Julia has been created using a delicate shade of pink plush in different lengths with some white patches over her arms and legs, along with a touch of mohair around her face and the inside of her cute little ears. She also has slight tipping on the end...
  • Kitty Kat

    Kitty Kat

    Kitty Kat has been lovingly designed by Isabelle Lee, she is crafted from mid-length plush fur in shades of pink, white and taupe and features a pink hand-embroidered nose, mouth and toes, plus sculpted paws. She is fully jointed and comes with her own...
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