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  • Charlie Bears Tiddly Pom Pom plush keyring - Billie

    Tiddly Pom Pom Billie

    Why not treat yourself or a loved one to one of the new range of Tiddly Pom Pom keyrings?! You may recognise this one as its design is based on the popular Charlie Bear named of course "Billie"! It makes a paw-fect accessory on a favourite handbag or why...
  • Charlie Bears Tiddly Pom Pom - Alyssa

    Tiddly Pom Pom Alyssa

    Why not treat yourself or a loved one to one of the new range of Tiddly Pom Pom keyrings?! You may recognise this one as its design is based on the popular Charlie Bear named of course "Alyssa"! It makes a paw-fect accessory on a favourite handbag or why...
  • Charlie Bears Tiddly Pom Pom plush keyring - Brat

    Tiddly Pom Pom Brat

    Why not treat yourself or a loved one to a paw-some keyring from our new Tiddly Pom Pom collection?! This keyring is based on our popular bear named Brat. It would make a paw-fect addition to a favvourite handbag or add one to your hug at home!...