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  • Charlie Bears Cuddle Cub - Elephant

    Cuddle Cub Elephant

    Our elephant from our Cuddle Cubs range is the perfect companion for little ones and a charming addition to any collection. Our elephant is fully machine washable, ensuring easy care and maintenance. Non-jointed and suitable from birth, this cuddly...
  • Charlie Bears Cuddle Cub - Gorilla

    Cuddle Cub Gorilla

    Introducing one of our newest members of the Cuddle Cubs range – our adorable and cheeky Gorilla! Perfectly suited for all ages, this non-jointed plush companion is designed to bring joy and comfort to all. Crafted with love and care, our cuddly...
  • Charlie Bears Cuddle Cub - Wolf

    Cuddle Cub Wolf

    Introducing our Wolf from our new Cuddle Cubs range, an adorable addition to the family of huggable, non-jointed companions. This lovable grey wolf is designed to captivate hearts and spark the imagination. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail,...
  • Charlie Bears 2020 Plush Collection red panda - Tomoko


    Tomoko is a red panda and you won't believe her size until you see her! She is made from thick luxurious plush in a dark chocolate brown with a stripy tail and red and white fur around her face. Tomoko wears a chequered neckerchief which adds to her...
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